Assur Travel - CFE Expatriate insurance

You are presently well insured by your Assur Travel policy.

To enjoy all its advantages and get fast reimbursements, simply follow the few instructions below.

Your management center

Your policy is run by: Gapi
Postal address: ZONE D’ACTIVITE ACTIBURO - 99 Rue Parmentier - 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
Telephone: 00 33 (0)3 28 54 03 20

Emergency hospitalization

The insurer can make a direct payment to the hospital or clinic, just follow these steps.

Make sure you are always up to date with your premiums otherwise the insurer my refuse direct payment.

In case of emergency hospitalization

Number to call: 00 33 (0)3 28 54 03 20
What to do: Call Gapi at the above number or call the assistance; They are available 24/7. The emergency number figures on your insurance card or GAPI app.

Hospitalization planned in advance

Number to call: 00 33 (0)3 28 54 03 20
What to do:

Send prior agreement by email, as soons as the hospitalization is planned. Documents to be submitted are listed in the practical guide.

In case of hospitalization over 24h, your insurer will make a direct payment to avoid you to pay in advance.

Medical procedures with prior agreement

Some medical procedures must be validated by the insurer before they can be performed. This allows you to guarantee the reimbursement before incurring expenses. If you don't make the prior agreement, the insurer may refuse the refund.

Medical procedures concerned:

- Standard medical actions: biology, radiology, specialist technical procedures whose cost may exceed €1000;

- Series actions greater than 9 (physiotherapists, nurses, speech therapists, etc.)

- Dental expenses over €1000, prostheses and dental implants (including inlays and onlays), and orthodontia;

- Refractive eye surgery;

- Medical equipement and devices;

- Infertility treatment

Pour la CFE il faut également faire des demandes d'entente préalable pour :

- les actes reçus en France quand il s'agit d'actes en série prescrits pour massage, rééducation (kinésithérapie, orthophonie, orthoptie, rééducation respiration), et pour certains types d?appareillage (chaussure orthopédiques, appareil auditif, fauteuil roulant, prothèses et orthèses) ;

- les prothèses dentaires à l'étranger.

What to do:

Send the prior agreement form. Download it on your online customer space or ask for it by email.

Documents to provide are listed in the practical guide or in the document called "Documents to be attached for requests for prior approval".


Send your claims

Documents to submit:

Les factures accompagnées des ordonnances et des feuilles de soins CFE, complétées par les praticiens. Elles sont téléchargeables sur votre espace assuré CFE.

La CFE exige ce document car le gestionnaire risque de ne pas pouvoir traiter vos factures si elles ne comportent pas forcément tous les détails nécessaires.

Pour accélérer le traitement de vos demandes et éviter toute difficulté de remboursement, pensez à faire compléter ces feuilles.

How to send claims:

Envoi via l’application CFE&Moi ou par téléversement dans votre espace assuré CFE.

Votre identifiant de connexion est votre numéro de Sécu (13 premiers chiffres sans la clé), vous pouvez cliquer sur "mot de passe oublié" si vous n'avez pas/plus votre mot de passe.

Vous pouvez aussi les envoyer par courrier à Caisse des Français à l’Étranger, A l’attention du service de gestion GAPI, Centre d’activité St Nicolas - 160 rue des Meuniers - CS 70238 Rubelles 77052 Melun Cedex -France.

Your remote consultation service

Service name: MédecinDirect
What to do:

You must register at or on the free MédecinDirect app.

From then, you can benefit from teleconsultations with a doctor and receive prescriptions.

WARNING: this is not an emergency service!

Download the app to manage your insurance policy

App name: Gapi Adhérents on Google Play and App Store.
What to do: Download it and log in. Your ID matches your member number. Your password will be communicated by email at the time of account activation.

Any questions

Number to call: 00 33 (0)3 28 54 03 20

Documents to download

Guide Expatrié 2019

Documents à joindre pour les demandes d'entente préalables

Documents à joindre pour les demandes de remboursements

You wish to modify your policy or have a problem with your insurer (it may happen), contact your HealthForExpats advisor immediately at 00 33 (0)5 31 61 84 50.

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